Time to be Alone


It can be any length of time — a minute, an hour, a few days — but the idea of having time alone is something I believe is necessary for our fast-paced society. We are always moving on from one thing to another because we are impatient, we are ever moving, and that is why I think it is crucial for people to enjoy those precious moments when they can stop and take a breath.

   Those moments are my sanctuary from a challenging world. I thoroughly enjoy spending time with friends, family, and meeting new people and interacting with others because sociability can contribute highly to a person’s well being; however, it’s those few moments when I am alone, where I can really get to know myself. I want to know my likes and dislikes on a larger scale; I want to develop my interests and create new hobbies. I strive to make decisions based on these qualities and if they will positively affect my life instead of what I think I should do because of what I have learned or been told to do.

   Solitude is not something to fear, solitude is something to embrace, something to envy when at times it might feel extremely difficult to attain. I have learned how to meditate because of the enormous stress I place upon my body on a daily occurrence. This time of closing my eyes and letting myself sink into my conscience is indescribable: it is a cleansing experience of sorts As of lately, I have learned how to stop everything, stop my mind from spinning and moving on to the next task, stop my heart from pounding, stop my panic; I have learned how to stop and be in the moment. I’ve learned how to give myself a break.

   At first, I had to take myself away from the situation and fully engage myself in solitude, but now I am able to be alone whenever I need to be. The definition of alone is something that has dramatically changed for me in several aspects as I have matured and continue to do so. I experience new things, and sometimes I need that time, those moments to reflect and breathe. This skill of being alone and relaxing my body is something I believe I will cherish for many lifetimes to come. I believe everyone is going to face difficult obstacles; I believe that being alone can help one grasp the notions floating around their mind and understand them; I believe that closing your eyes, breathing, and letting you and only yourself be in that moment is where you can help relieve yourself when things get too tough. I believe in me, and that is why I will always make that time to understand myself.