Childhood Menu
Oh, the joys of childhood years! The playgrounds, the stress-free life, and most importantly — the food. As people mature, their food palates mature with them. As a result, the ultimate sacrifice is made — leaving behind the irresistible food products they once consumed as kids.

Fruit Wraps
I haven’t had a fruit wrap in ages, and trying one for the first time brought back a lot of memories. The wraps are basically healthier versions of fruit roll ups, except unlike fruit roll ups, they are actually made from fruit, and they don’t roll up. Biting into one brought me back to the times where my mom had only bought me “healthy” things from Trader Joes; I never got to experience...

Oh, how I could gush about this fruity treat for days. They are just as sticky, messy, cute, and tasty as I remember. It truly was a fruit explosion in my mouth, but the ratio of outside to goo was completely off. For those of you who were never blessed with the goodness that is a pack of gushers, the geometric outside is essentially a basic, old fruit snack, but the inside — the inside — is wh...

Cosmic Brownies
Little Debbie has pulled some Little Lies. These small, rectangular prisms of compacted chocolate that looks like it could survive the apocalypse. With the delightfully creamy thick frosting evenly coated over the whole thing, the sugar capacity took hold of my body, sending me to the brink of a sugar coma after the last bite was swallowed. I used to trade my entire lunch for one of these brownies...

Lunchables were something I was always delighted to find in my lunchbox in kindergarten. Upon purchasing the one dollar snack as a seventeen year old, the small portions of food inside the package caught my eyes and had me wondering whether there was enough food for me to eat for lunch. In the classic combination of one cracker, a piece of ham, and a single slice of cheese stacked on top of each o...

Ritz Crackers and Cheese
One of my favorite snacks as a child was spreadable cheese on crackers, which were delicious. However, right away, I noticed something was wrong: there was no red stick to spread the cheese! No, they expected me to dip my crackers into the thick, artificial substance (with an aftertaste of plastic) they are passing off as cheese. What if my cracker breaks? On top of that, now that I am older, I am...
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