Out With The Old

Photo by Katie Marr
Furniture is changing and technology is advancing. Social media is becoming a crucial part of our lives. If you don’t keep up with the changes, you’ll get left behind. However, there will always be those who are resistant to innovation. Sometimes being dependent on a cell phone can be restrictive. Many feel as if they cannot exist without their cell phone in their back pocket, and a majority of people have experienced that sinking dread in the pit of their stomach when their phone is not where it is supposed to be. At this point, it is more uncommon for an individual to not have a smartphone; however, senior Kyle Tyrell-Smith can speak from personal experience.
“People definitely will make fun of me if I just whip [my phone] out. Everyone has an iPhone or another smartphone,” said Tyrell-Smith.
In some cases, the parents of students are in financial situations where owning a smartphone is not a possibility. In other cases, students simply feel like they do not need a smartphone to take over their lives through social media or constantly texting their friends. When asked about social media, freshman Zain Khan commented on its ability to take up your time.
“I think there’s drama and other stuff on there, and I don’t see a point in it. By not using social media, I can stay more focused in school and not have to worry about this social stuff and everything,” said Khan.
Khan is not the only “old-school” kid in this modern age. Senior Erik Frisch has been slow to adapt to modern technology, but partially by personal choice.
“Just a couple of years ago, I had a brick phone, beat up iPod, and a really loud TV. I kind of enjoyed my life like that; it was humbling. It made me want to get interested in other things besides getting on the couch and watching TV after school,” said Frisch.
Because he did not have a smartphone, Frisch began to play guitar and build small pieces of construction out of wood in his garage.
Having a smartphone has become an essential part of many students’ lives, but it has not become a necessity. Undoubtedly, there are situations in which having an entire computer in your back pocket is handy. Yet there are also situations where an individual’s time is better spent communicating face to face with a close friend as opposed to simply typing something out and tapping the “send” button.