Volleyball Team Senior Night
Photo by Maria Doss
Senior Night is one of the most fun, and most sad days of a sports season at Casa Grande. It’s a celebration of the amazing seniors that played during the season, and how this will be their last year playing on the team. One particular senior had an amazing night with the Casa Grande Volleyball Team.
Maria Doss has been on the volleyball team since her freshman year at Casa. She quickly worked her way up to joining the varsity team Sophomore year. Doss remarks that she had been looking forward to her senior night since she joined the team.
“I loved helping make the senior night special for the seniors before me, and I even did a speech for one of the girls last year. So needless to say, I was excited, but also anxious, but I was mostly excited,” Doss says.
The senior night for each team is different. Some teams may go all out on the decorations, while others will simply bake treats and bring snacks to enjoy. The volleyball team decided to go with a tropical theme for their seniors.
“I thought it was really beautiful the way everything was set up and I thought they put a lot of work into it. We had posters made for the two captains, and they bought a whole bunch of balloons and put them in all corners of the gym. They also got us Leis because it was a tropical theme, and we also got matching shirts and glasses, all tropical themed,” Doss said.
As well as the festivities that come with senior night, there are also a lot of emotions. Most seniors have spent the last 4 years on their teams, and they are now leaving it which can be quite heart wrenching
“It was emotional, but it was really sweet. It was bittersweet. We were all excited, and sad, but also happy. Going into it, I was expecting it to be emotional, and that people would cry, so I was definitely prepared for that. I also thought the speeches from the girls were going to be really beautiful and sweet. I also was expecting us to play our hearts out that night, because it was our last game together,” Doss stated
As the Gaucho seniors prepare to go off into their future, Doss had some final advice for future volleyball players of Casa Grande.