Annual Halloween festivities roar to life in Downtown Petaluma
Photo by Yvette Quiroz Vega
Halloween is a special time of year: kids dress up and walk door to door for the timeless tradition of Trick or Treat. Jack O’ Lanterns and porch lights beam through the night skies. The most inhabited streets become filled with Werewolves, vampires, and other ghouls.
Downtown Petaluma offers a variety of fun, spooky activities for Halloween night. The festivities span across the entire downtown area: it goes through Kentucky Street, American Alley, Washington Street, Western Avenue, Petaluma Boulevard North, B Street, Fifth Street, Fourth Street, Old Mill, Petaluma Boulevard South, the Theatre District, Second Street, and River Plaza.

People and businesses go all out on their decorations and costumes. About 70 businesses were giving out candy to those who were dressed up in costumes, such as the Dollar Store, Quickly, Dominos, and Paradise Sushi.
Bands start playing in different locations of Downtown. In the Theatre District, there were people dancing and there appeared to be a cultural event that was happening in that area. Everyone was taking pictures and videos. Candy was dispersed to people who were present in those events. Kids were dancing with them too. In the Putnam Plaza, people gathered around the BigEasy restaurant, and the Petaluma Pie Company.

It wasn’t just the businesses downtown that were celebrating: many houses all around were getting creative with their decorating and themes for Halloween. Big size candy bars were given out from some houses. Different types of music were playing in those areas. One house had a Mariachi band playing for Dias De Los Muertos, which was an exciting and fun theme that was planned out.
When it comes to Halloween, Petaluma really likes to go all out. Don’t miss out on this event next year!