Drama Club Hosts Murder Mystery Fundraiser

Photo by Emma Lindemen
Casa Grande’s Drama Club hosted a Murder Mystery fundraiser event on Friday, April 28.
The students worked very hard in preparation for this event. They worked tirelessly to be able to put on an engaging comical show full of mystery for the audience. Not only was the show brilliant, but it was entirely student run, directed by Sophomore Molly Belle Hart.
“The students rehearsed for about two to three weeks, almost exclusively during lunch. Rehearsals were entirely student run, with Molly Belle Hart at the helm. I’m so proud of how much they achieved!” said Jonathan Mazer, Casa Grande’s Drama Teacher.
Hart worked hard as the student director of the performance at this event. She managed and directed the show, as well as helped to plan the event.
“My favorite part of directing this event was being able to work behind the scenes and experiment with staging, lighting design, and event planning. I’m so glad it all worked out!” said Hart when asked what her favorite part of directing was.
The theme of the fundraiser was the 20s, and the students involved in the event dressed up in extravagant costumes that matched the theme.
“The idea for a 20s theme was worked on by myself and Natalia Gomez. We knew we wanted to have it based in the roaring twenties but it was that theme that led to our mafia idea,” Hart noted.
The students had a great time rehearsing together every day during lunch and having it pay off with such an amazing performance. That performance promoted a fundraiser that made a huge profit, which will be put towards the musical at Casa Grande next school year.
“It made me feel super accomplished that we were able to make such a big profit out of a show while having so much fun at the same time,” said freshman Sammy Castro when asked what her favorite part of being in the show was.

The Drama Club needed money that they could put towards a new musical next year, and the event was very profitable for the club, while putting on an enjoyable show for the audience.
“It was extremely successful. The audience had a blast, and we made about $2,000 to help pay for next year’s musical,” said Mazer.
After the performance was over, the club announced that next year, the musical at Casa Grande would be Legally Blonde!
“Legally Blonde was suggested by the students, and they are very excited by the prospect of producing it at Casa. It’s a great musical, and has been successful at many other high schools, so I said yes. I am thrilled by how much of our work is student-driven in the Drama Dept. right now. Both the fundraiser and the choice of musical for next year were entirely the result of the enthusiasm and efforts of the students in Drama Club,” Mazer remarked.
The Drama Club worked tirelessly to put on a funny, engaging, and entertaining show that the audience was able to enjoy. Casa Grande will look forward to what the Drama Club does next!