As the 2023 school year at Casa Grande has begun, there have been several new and exciting changes introduced to the school. These include customizing senior parking spots, repainting buildings, and even hiring new faculty, such as the new principal Christina Bridges. With her introduction to the Casa Grande’s administration, Principal Bridges has introduced R.I.S.E, a new program that stands for respect, integrity, safety, and engagement, which is meant to teach students valuable skills both inside and outside of school.
Respect at the Big House means a lot for not only students, but also staff. At Casa, students learn how to get along with other people, how to work in a group, and simply be kind to anyone they meet. This simple ability to be sociable and collaborative is valuable in any field where a team and communication are required.
Having integrity is another essential trait at Casa. As Mrs. Bridges says, “We are human and we learn from mistakes, but having integrity means owning up to mistakes and choosing to do better.” Having pride, putting in effort, and honesty are examples of being an integral person. Students will allow themselves to truly grow because they are putting in the work and doing their best. By standing up for what is right even when it isn’t popular, is an example of integrity. Not to mention students will gain the trust and respect of their peers because of their honesty, and build lifelong foundations for themselves.
Safety is also an important aspect of Casa Grande. “Sometimes we want to do things the easy way or the fun way, but safety protocols and practices ensure that every student at Casa is safe,” Mrs. Bridges has stated. The Gaucho family has made this school into a safe place for all, and students can help make it continue to be so by informing faculty if anything seems wrong.
Finally, engagement is the last principle in R.I.S.E. Being more engaged in classes provides motivation for students to help become more involved and create a fun learning environment. When students are engaged in their studies, it allows them to get a better understanding of the concept they are learning, and it shows responsibility because students are taking the initiative to learn.
While R.I.S.E was first introduced as a school initiative, the principles it teaches extend beyond the classroom and into all aspects of life. Whether it be students greeting their teachers or standing up for what’s right, Casa’s new slogan will ensure that students are taught to be respectful, integral, safe, and engaged. Once students graduate they will be ready to face new challenges and R.I.S.E.