What stereotypes do you think of when you think of Petaluma? Petaluma is a valley. It is a flat piece of land with green, grassy fields and three high schools. These three schools consist of Casa Grande, St. Vincent, and Petaluma High. To find out, I interviewed both locals and non-locals about what their perceived stereotypes of Petaluma were and they seemed to have varied points of view.
Mari Rode, a senior at Archie Williams High School in Fairfax, says, “Petaluma seems like it is very hick. All of the pictures I see of Petaluma makes it seem like it’s so peaceful. Oh yeah and the different local events that happen are so cute.” Rode was referring to the farmers’ markets, car shows, and various fundraisers for local programs like Casa Grande’s hatchery. While Petaluma does have many different local events, the “hick” ideology described is only partly true.
Another student also feels the same way about Petaluma. Compared to where she lives, Petaluma is very much in the country side area.
Bella Ong, a senior at University High School in San Francisco, says, “Petaluma is country with no questions asked. I love the cows.” Ong was on a tour of Petaluma this past weekend and touched a cow for the first time.
A local who has had many generations of Petaluma locals was interviewed as well. Premro, a junior at Casa Grande High School, highlights the hot spots in town where she enjoys to go.
Lucy Premro, a Petaluma native said, “There’s many aspects to the town and not just that country feel, we have many other environments to be in like the Phoenix and the billiards downtown,” which are places that she loves to hang out at.
Petaluma is my home. It is beautiful and seems to strike a balance between farms, small businesses, and suburban life. Petaluma has a large number of restaurants, activities for families, sporting events, hiking, a movie theater, a bowling alley, and amazing people. One event that is truly just Petaluman is the Butter and Eggs Day Parade that happens every April. The Phoenix is a space for Petaluma’s grunge and skater community, which acts as an indoor skate park during the day and a concert facility at night. Many people find this place to be comfortable and spacious for them. Not many out of towners know of this aspect, so they are surprised when knowing that we have spaces like the Phoenix.
Even though many natives in Petaluma know secret places to hang out at and bring their own touch to the town, we will always have these stereotypes that people who live outside of Petaluma will view us with. Petaluma is known as a country town, however, we have many other attributes that show we are more than meets the eye.