Legends Leave: Two Veteran Teachers Retiring This Year

As the school loses the senior class of 2016, they are also losing two veteran teachers who have given an incredible amount of time and care for their students: Donald Billing and Mavis Weir are retiring this year, and they deserve recognition to honor their many years of service at our school. Having taught over thirty years, both of these outstanding people have had the opportunity to see the developments of our school over the years and think very highly of the school environment as a whole. Billing explains how he was spontaneously hired by the school Faculty while working at the Ford dealership.

   “One day I was working at Ford and the next day I was teaching at Casa Grande High School,” said Billing.

   Not only did Billing find a love for the school, but he also found himself a wife: Billing met his wife, a math teacher, at the school. Billing describes the changes he has observed during his time here.

   “First there was no football field — just a track with weeds in the middle and no bleachers. The OLE area was the practice field for football practice. Students did not bring paper and pencil to class, and today students do not bring their iPads to class and still do not bring pencil and paper. M wing was called A wing with a maze of classrooms; today there are organized classrooms,” said Billing.

   The campus’ atmosphere attracted Weir to the school, she says.

   “This campus has always been open and welcoming. I have always felt safe here because the staff and student body is generous and kind,” said Weir.

   When asked to give advice for current and future students, Weir stated her parting words of wisdom.

   “Be kind. Do your best. Don’t live with regrets. See the world!” said Weir.