Welcome back Gauchos to a new school year and the start of several of Casa Grande’s sports teams, including football, girl’s golf, girl’s tennis, volleyball, and cross country. Here’s all the latest information about our Gaucho teams and what they’ve done so far in their seasons.
The Casa Grande Football team has to be one of the most popular sports at the Big House, with the Friday Night lights and the pride of being a Gaucho, John Antonio is the head coach and has taken on the head of athletic director). The football team had already taken on Cardinal Newman on the 25th of August but sadly lost with a score of 13-27, however, the Gauchos had taken on Berkley High School at Casa Grande for our first home football game on Friday the first and dominated with a score of 42-6.

A new season of volleyball has also started, which has become popular with students at Casa Grande. The team is already 6 games in with an overall score of 2 – 4 so far. At their last game at the Big House, they played against Galileo High School from San Francisco and won with a score of 2 – 0 on the 2nd of September. They are looking forward to dominating whatever gets thrown at them next.
Girl’s Golf
A sport that has been recognized more and more here at Casa Grande is the girl’s golf team which has been coached by Rod Stewart for many years now. They started the season off by playing Vintage High School at the Rooster Run Golf Course, but ended up taking a loss to the other team. However our Gauchos rose up in their last game at American Canyon High School and dominated with a win, making their current season score 1 – 1.
Cross country
Our cross-country team has also been keeping a good pace. Last Thursday, our Gauchos ran at the Bob Shor Invitational meet at Spring Lake Regional Park. The girl’s Varsity and JV teams both finished on top, being the highest-placing teams for their races. The Varsity boys came in second, and the JV boys came in fifth. The whole team worked hard that meet, and after asking Coach Triola to highlight some players, he said:
“Instead of highlighting one teammate, I’d like to honor all of them. You have to have at least 5 out there to make a scoring team. Our success will depend on them competing to the best of their ability.”
On Saturday, September 16th, the Gauchos head back up to Spring Lake to compete for the Viking Opener. Go out and support them!
Girl’s Tennis
Finally, our tennis team has gained a good amount of viewers this year and has an even record so far. In Round 1, Casa Grande, In their first game of the season, Casa Grande won over Napa with a score of 7 – 0, dominating a tough opponent that went against American Canyon and sadly lost 2-5. However, with a clean win-loss score of 1 – 1, Casa has a pretty good chance still of winning big meets. We’ll continue to cheer on these Gauchos for each season to come.